My four-year-old female French Bulldog, who has been spayed, hasn't defecated indoors since she was four months old. She has been sleeping for a while when I suddenly discover wet marks in her mattress.
Like to people, dogs can have a variety of urination-related issues. The need to urinate more often than usual, several times throughout the day and/or night, is a problem known as pollakiuria. The next issue is polyuria (when the body makes and passes more urine than is normal). Urinary incontinence is a fourth issue, whereas stranguria (straining to urinate) is a third issue.
Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, advises that any alteration in your dog's urination habits should be reported to a vet as soon as possible because it might be a sign of a more serious condition. In order to accurately diagnose the underlying issue, it is crucial for dog owners to distinguish between an increase in urination frequency and an increase in urine production because each may have a distinct cause.

When Should My Dog Urinate?
To mark their territory, dogs seem to have an infinite supply of pee. But, according to Dr. Klein, healthy adult dogs typically need to go to the bathroom three to five times per day. Unless the breed is prone to renal (kidney) problems, the volume of urine the dog produces shouldn't be affected by its breed.
There are, of course, exceptions. While older dogs may become incontinent, puppies drink more water, have smaller bladders, and urinate more frequently. It's common for female dogs in heat to urinate more regularly. The same is true for anxious dogs who have schedule changes, housing changes, or other significant changes in their routines; it also applies to anxious dogs who are separated from their owners or who are acting submissively.
When to Contact Your Vet
If your pet is lethargic, not eating, vomiting, or has blood in their urine.
whenever your dog struggles to urinate or is unable to excrete any urine. This situation is regarded as urgent. When the quantity, color, or frequency of your dog's urinating varies.
Possible Causes of Frequent or Abnormal Urination
Changes in urination can have a wide range of potential causes, making diagnosis difficult and necessitating a veterinarian's knowledge. These are a few of the ailments your vet may identify as the source of your pet's increased frequency or volume of urination.
Every dog can develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), although older dogs and female dogs are more likely to suffer from this condition. A compromised immune system or microorganisms are the most frequent causes. Dogs with UTIs may strain or whine when attempting to urinate, try to urinate repeatedly, or have blood in their urine.
Incompetence of the Urethral Sphincter Mechanism (USMI)
Up to one in five female dogs who have had spaying may be affected by urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence, which typically manifests 2.9 years after the procedure. Reduced estrogen levels appear to lower bladder sensitivity and storage capacity, which can lead to urine leaks, especially while the dog is resting.
Prostate illness
When they have prostate disorders such benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, or prostate cancer, male dogs may urinate more frequently. By the age of four, BPH will affect about half of intact male canines, however many won't exhibit any symptoms. Prostatitis is a bacterial infection that typically affects intact canines, but prostate cancer is more common in males that have undergone neutering.
During one to two months of the conclusion of a heat cycle, intact female dogs in their middle or senior years are usually affected by pyometra, although young dogs can also get it. If a female dog isn't bred, hormonal changes during and after heat cause the uterus lining to thicken, occasionally generating pockets where bacteria may grow and cause pyometra. The signs include excessive drinking and urination as well as vaginal discharge that is stained with blood.
Bladder irritation known as cystitis is brought on by a number of illnesses and disorders. Cystitis in dogs is typically brought on by a bacterial infection. Cystitis can also be brought on by bladder polyps, tumors, stones, and abnormalities in the anatomy of female dogs. Dogs who have cystitis typically squat, strain, and urinate infrequently.
a Kidney or Liver Condition
Due to the disease's impact on the body's capacity to rid itself of toxic waste, a dog with kidney disease may urinate a lot. In addition to fluid retention in the abdomen, dogs with liver illness frequently have increased thirst and urination.
The type of diabetes that affects dogs most frequently is diabetes mellitus. This metabolic condition manifests as high urination and excessive thirst. Less frequently occurring diabetes insipidus is caused by insufficient antidiuretic hormone. Affected dogs excrete enormous amounts of diluted pee, which causes them to drink a lot of water to make up for it.
Uterine Cancer
Urination in little amounts regularly, difficulty urinating, and bloody or coloured urine are the most typical signs of canine bladder cancer. Although bladder cancer is comparatively uncommon, it is more prevalent in some breeds.
Cushing's Syndrome
Hyperadrenocorticism, another name for Cushing's disease, is typically brought on by a tumor in the pituitary gland. It mostly affects senior dogs, who drink and urinate more frequently than usual as a result.
pH imbalance in the urine
A urinary pH imbalance can promote the growth of germs and the formation of crystals or stones in the urinary system. Increased thirst, frequent urination, a pressing need to urinate, bloody urine, or inappropriate urination are symptoms. For dogs, the optimal urine pH range is 7.0-7.5. Dietary components may affect a dog's pH level.
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